
public class PDFTableOfContent : PDFDocumentObject

Creates a table of content for the given list of render objects.

The given list of styles are used to identify which PDFAttributedTextObject should be considered as “headers” and therefore be in the table of contents.

Furthermore, the index of the style in the list of styles is used as the nesting level.

Looking at the following example document, there are 3 levels of headers defined:

  • Title
  • Heading 1
  • Heading 2

Any other text which is not using these styles, should be considered body content text.

 let document = PDFDocument(format: .a4)

 // Define document wide styles
 let titleStyle = document.add(style: PDFTextStyle(name: "Title"))
 let headingStyle1 = document.add(style: PDFTextStyle(name: "Heading 1"))
 let headingStyle2 = document.add(style: PDFTextStyle(name: "Heading 2"))

 // Add a string using the title style
 document.add(textObject: PDFSimpleText(text: "TPPDF", style: titleStyle))

 // Add a table of content, the content will be calculated based on the usages of the styles
 document.add(text: "Table of Contents")
 document.add(tableOfContent: PDFTableOfContent(styles: [
 ], symbol: .none))

 // Add headline with extra spacing
 document.add(textObject: PDFSimpleText(text: "1. Introduction", style: headingStyle1))
 document.add(text: "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.")

 document.add(textObject: PDFSimpleText(text: "2. Images", style: headingStyle1))
 document.add(text: "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.")

 document.add(textObject: PDFSimpleText(text: "2.1 Special Images", style: headingStyle2))
 document.add(text: "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.")

 document.add(textObject: PDFSimpleText(text: "3. Tables", style: headingStyle1))
 document.add(text: "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.")

The output of the table of contents nested lists will look like this:

  • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Images
    • 2.1 Special Images
    • 3. Tables